2020 |
"Towards Fault Adaptive Routing in Metasurface Controller Networks", D. Kouzapas, C. Skitsas, T. Saeed, V. Soteriou, M. Lestas, A. Philippou, S. Abadal, C. Liaskos, L. Petrou, J. Georgiou, A. Pitsillides, in Journal of Systems Architecture Volum: 106, no. 1, (2020-06) |  |
"Error Analysis of Programmable Metasurfaces for Beam Steering", H. Taghvaee, A. Cabellos-Aparicio, J. Georgiou, S. Abadal, in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, (2020-02) |  |
"Wave Propagation and Channel Modeling in Chip-Scale Wireless Communications: A Survey from Millimeter-Wave to Terahertz and Optics", S. Abadal, C. Han, and J. M. Jornet, in IEEE Access Volum: 8 p.278-293, (2020-01) |  |
2019 |
"Digital Metasurface Based on Graphene: An Application to Beam Steering in Terahertz Plasmonic Antennas", S. E. Hosseininejad, K. Rouhi, M. Neshat, A. Cabellos-Aparicio, S. Abadal, and E. Alarcón, in IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology Volum: 18 nº1 p.734-746, (2019-12) | |
"Exploration of Intercell Wireless Millimeter-Wave Communication in the Landscape of Intelligent Metasurfaces", A. C. Tasolamprou, A. Pitilakis, S. Abadal, O. Tsilipakos, X. Timoneda, H. Taghvaee, M. S. Mirmoosa, F. Liu, C. Liaskos, A. Tsioliaridou, N. V. Kantartzis, D. Mannessis, J. Georgiou, A. Cabellos-Aparicio, E. Alarcón, A. Pitsillides, I. F. Akyildiz, S. A. Tretyakov, E. N. Economou, M. Kafesaki, C. M. Soukoulis, in IEEE Access Volum: 7, nº1, pp, (2019-12) |  |
"Routing in Optical Transport Networks with Deep Reinforcement Learning", José Suárez-Varela, Albert Mestres, Junlin Yu, Li Kuang, Haoyu Feng, Albert Cabellos-Aparicio, Pere Barlet-Ros, in Journal of Optical Communications and Networking Volum: 11 p.547-558, (2019-09) |  |
"Reprogrammable Graphene-based Metasurface Mirror with Adaptive Focal Point for THz Imaging", S. E. Hosseininejad, K. Rouhi, M. Neshat, R. Faraji-Dana, A. Cabellos-Aparicio, S. Abadal, and E. Alarcón, in Scientific Reports (Nature) Volum: no. 9, p.Article 28-, (2019-02) |  |
2018 |
"Reconfigurable THz Plasmonic Antenna Based on Few-layer Graphene With High Radiation Efficiency", S. E. Hosseininejad, M. Neshat, R. Faraji-Dana, M. C. Lemme, P. Haring Bolívar, A. Cabellos-Aparicio, E. Alarcón, S. Abadal, in MDPI Nanomaterials Volum: 8, nº 8 p.577-, (2018-07) |  |
"Medium Access Control in Wireless Network-on-Chip: A Context Analysis", S. Abadal, A. Mestres, J. Torrellas, E. Alarcón, and A. Cabellos-Aparicio, in IEEE Communications Magazine Volum: 56, nº6 p.172-178, (2018-06) |  |
"Flow monitoring in Software-Defined Networks: Finding the accuracy/performance tradeoffs", José Suárez-Varela, and Pere Barlet-Ros, in Computer Networks Volum: 135 p.289-301, (2018-04) |  |
2017 |
"Evaluation of Core-Continuity-Constrained ROADMs for Flex-Grid/MCF Optical Networks", F.-J. Moreno-Muro, R. Rumipamba-Zambrano, P. Pavón-Mariño, J. Perelló,
J.M. Gené, and S. Spadaro, in IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking Volum: 9 (11) p.1041-1050, (2017-11) | |
"OrthoNoC: A Broadcast-Oriented Dual-Plane Wireless Network-on-Chip Architecture", S. Abadal, J. Torrellas, E. Alarcón, and A. Cabellos-Aparicio, in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems Volum: PP, no. 99 p.1-14, (2017-10) |  |
"Knowledge-Defined Networking", Albert Mestres, Alberto Rodriguez-Natal, Josep Carner, Pere Barlet-Ros, Eduard Alarcón, Marc Solé, Victor Muntés, David Meyer, Sharon Barkai, Mike J Hibbett, Giovani Estrada, Florin Coras, Vina Ermagan, Hugo Latapie, Chris Cassar, John Evans, Fabio Maino, Jean Walrand, Albert Cabellos, in ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review Volum: 47, Issue p.2-10, (2017-07) |  |
"On the Benefits of Resource Disaggregation for Virtual Data Centre Provisioning in Optical Data Centres", A. Pagès, R. Serrano, J. Perelló, and S. Spadaro, in Elsevier Computer Communications Volum: 107 p.60-74, (2017-07) | |
"Study of hybrid and pure plasmonic terahertz antennas based on graphene guided-wave structures", S. E. Hosseininejad, E. Alarcón, N. Komjani, S. Abadal, M. C. Lemme, P. Haring Bolívar, and A. Cabellos-Aparicio, in Nano Communication Networks Volum: 12 p.34-42, (2017-06) |  |
"Influence of neighboring absorbing receivers upon the inter-symbol interference in a diffusion-based molecular communication system", S. S. Assaf, S. Salehi, R. G. Cid-Fuentes, J. Solé-Pareta and E. Alarcón, in Nano Communication Networks, (2017-05) |  |
"Performance of direct-oversampling correlator-type receivers in chaos-based DS-CDMA systems over frequency non-selective fading channels", Nguyen Xuan Quyen and Pere Barlet-Ros, in Wireless Personal Communications, (2017-04) |  |
"Releasing Rate Optimization in a Single and Multiple Transmitter Local Drug Delivery System with Limited Resources", Shirin Salehi, Naghmeh S. Moayedian, bSimon S. Assaf, Raul G. Cid-Fuentes, Josep Solé-Pareta and Eduard Alarcón, in Nano Communication Networks Volum: 11 p.114-122, (2017-03) |  |
"A survey on web tracking: Mechanisms, implications, and defenses", Tomasz Bujlow, Valentín Carela-Español, Josep Solé-Pareta, and Pere Barlet-Ros, in Proceedings of the IEEE, (2017-03) |  |
2016 |
"On the Scalability of Energy in Wireless RF Powered Internet of Things", R. G. Cid-Fuentes, M.Y. Naderi, K. R. Chowdhury, A. Cabellos-Aparicio and E. Alarcón, in IEEE Communications Letters Volum: 20, nº 12, (2016-12) | |
"Machine learning, data mining and Big Data frameworks for network monitoring and troubleshooting", Alessandro D'Alconzo, Pere Barlet-Ros, Kensuke Fukuda, and David Choffnes, in Computer Networks Volum: 107 p.1-4, (2016-10) |  |
"A streaming flow-based technique for traffic classification applied to 12+1 years of Internet traffic", Valentín Carela-Español, Pere Barlet-Ros, Albert Bifet, and Kensuke Fukuda, in Telecommunication Systems Volum: 63-2 p.191-204, (2016-10) |  |
"Pulse interspersing in static multipath chip environments for Impulse Radio communications", A. Mestres S. Abadal, I. Llatser, E. Alarcón, H. Lee and A. Cabellos-Aparicio, in Nano Communication Networks (Elsevier) Volum: 9 p.1-6, (2016-09) |  |
"Power and Subcarrier Allocation Strategies for Energy-efficient Uplink OFDMA Systems", E Souza, Alvaro; De Almeida Amazonas, Jose; Abrao, Taufik, in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications Volum: 34-12, (2016-08) |  |
"Flex-Grid/SDM Backbone Network Design with Inter-Core XT-limited Transmission Reach", J. Perelló, J.M. Gené, A. Pagès, J. A. Lazaro, and S. Spadaro, in IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking Volum: 8 p.540-552, (2016-08) |  |
"Coordinated node and link mapping VNE using a new paths algebra strategy", Hesselbach, Xavier; Amazonas, Josè Roberto; Villanueva, Santi; Botero, Juan Felipe, in Journal of Network and Computer Applications Volum: 69 p.14-26, (2016-07) |  |
"Optimal VDC Service Provisioning in Optically Interconnected Disaggregated Data Centers", A. Pagès, J. Perelló, F. Agraz, S. Spadaro, in IEEE Communications Letters Volum: 20(7) p.1353-1356, (2016-07) |  |
"Joint content placement and lightpath routing and spectrum assignment in CDNs over elastic optical network scenarios", J. Perelló, K. Walkowiak, M. Klinkowski, S. Spadaro, and D. Careglio, in Elsevier Computer Communications Volum: 77 p.72-84, (2016-03) |  |
"Scalability of Broadcast Performance in Wireless Network-on-Chip", S. Abadal, A. Mestres, E. Alarcón, M. Nemirovsky, A. González, H. Lee and A. Cabellos-Aparicio, in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems Volum: 99, (2016-03) |  |
"Quality of network economics optimisation using service level agreement modelling", Germán Santos-Boada; Amazonas, J.; Solé-Pareta, J., in Transactions on emerging telecommunications technologies Volum: 27-5 p.731-744, (2016-02) |  |
"Area Model and Dimensioning Guidelines of Multi-source Energy Harvesting for Nano-Micro Interface", R. G. Cid-Fuentes, A. Cabellos-Aparicio and E. Alarcón, in IEEE Internet of Things Journal Volum: 3, nº1 p.18-26, (2016-02) |  |
2015 |
"On the scalability of LISP mappings caches", Florin Coras, Jordi Domingo-Pascual and Albert Cabellos-Aparicio, in Computer Networks Volum: 91 p.174-183, (2015-11) |  |
"On the Area and Energy Scalability of Wireless Network-on-Chip: A Model-based Benchmarked Design Space Exploration", Abadal, S., Iannazzo, M., Nemirovsky, M., Cabellos-Aparicio, Lee, H. and Alarcón, E., in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking Volum: 23, nº5 p.1501-1513, (2015-10) |  |
"Energy efficiency of elastic frequency grids in multilayer IP/MPLS-over-flexgrid networks", Sergio Ricciardi, Francesco Palmieri, Aniello Castiglione, Davide Careglio, in Journal of Network and Computer Applications Volum: 56 p.41-47, (2015-10) | |
"Optimal Virtual Slice Composition Toward Multi-tenancy over Hybrid OCS/OPS Data Center Networks", A. Pagès, M. Pérez Sanchís, S. Peng, J. Perelló, D. Simeonidou, and S. Spadaro, in IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking Volum: Vol. 7, Is p.974-986, (2015-10) |  |
"Broadcast-Enabled Massive Multicore Architectures: A Wireless RF Approach", S. Abadal, B. Sheinman, O. Katz, O. Markish, D. Elad, Y. Fournier, D. Roca, M. Hanzich, G. Houzeaux, M. Nemirovsky, E. Alarcón, and A. Cabellos-Aparicio, in IEEE MICRO Volum: 35, nº5 p.52-61, (2015-09) |  |
"LISP: A southbound SDN protocol?", Alberto Rodriguez-Natal, Marc Portoles-Comeras, Vina Ermagan, Darrel Lewis, Dino Farinacci, Fabio Maino, Albert Cabellos-Aparicio, in IEEE Communications Magazine Volum: 53, nº7 p.201-207, (2015-07) |  |
"An evolutionary path for the Evolved Packet System", Marc Portoles-Comeras, Josep Mangues-Bafalluy, Andrey Krendzel, Manuel Requena-Esteso, Albert Cabellos-Aparicio, in IEEE Communications Magazine Volum: 53 ,nº7 p.184-191, (2015-07) |  |
"SDN-enabled OPS with QoS Guarantee for Reconfigurable Virtual Data Center Networks", W. Miao, F. Agraz, S. Peng, S. Spadaro, G. Bernini, J. Perelló, G. Zervas, R. Nejabati, N. Ciulli, D. Simeonidou, H. Dorren, and N. Calabretta, in IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking Volum: 7, 7 p.634-643, (2015-07) |  |
" A Hybrid Load-balancing and Energy-aware RWA Algorithm for Telecommunication Networks", Sergio Ricciardi, David Sembroiz-Ausejo, Francesco Palmieri, Germán Santos-Boada, Jordi Perelló, Davide Careglio, in Computer Communications, (2015-06) |  |
"Area Model and Dimensioning Guidelines of Multi-source Energy Harvesting for Nanonetworks", R. G. Cid-Fuentes, A. Cabellos-Aparicio and E. Alarcón, in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, (2015-06) |  |
"A Novel IoT Architecture with Pattern Recognition Mechanism and Big Data", Souza, Alberto M. C.; Amazonas, José Roberto; , in Journal of Machine to Machine Communications Volum: 1 p.245-272, (2015-05) |  |
"A Multi-objective Wavelength Routing Approach Combining Network and Traffic Engineering with Energy Awareness", Francesco Palmieri, Sergio Ricciardi, Ugo Fiore, Aniello Castiglione, Davide Careglio, in IEEE Systems Journal, (2015-05) |  |
"Energy-Oriented Denial Of Service Attacks: An Emerging Menace for Large Cloud Infrastructures", Francesco Palmieri, Sergio Ricciardi, Ugo Fiore, Massimo Ficco, Aniello Castiglione, in The Journal of Supercomputing Volum: 71-5 p.1620-1641, (2015-05) |  |
"Analysis of performance degradation in sleep-mode enabled core optical networks", A. Pagès, M. Tornatore, J. Perelló, S. Spadaro, and A. Morea, in IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking Volum: 7, nº3 p.537-546, (2015-03) |  |
"An Outlier Detect Algorithm using Big Data Processing and Internet of Things Architecture", Souza, Alberto M.C.; Amazonas, Joseé R.A., in Procedia Computer Science Volum: 52 p.1010-1015, (2015-02) |  |
"Time-Domain Analysis of Graphene-based Miniaturized Antennas for Ultra-short-range Impulse Radio Communications", S. Abadal, I. Llatser, A. Mestres, H. Lee, E. Alarcón and A. Cabellos-Aparicio, in IEEE Transactions on Communications, (2015-02) |  |
"Use of THz Photoconductive Sources to Characterize Graphene RF Plasmonic Antennas", A. Cabellos-Aparicio, I. Llatser, E. Alarcón, A. Hsu and T. Palacios, in IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology Volum: 99, (2015-02) |  |
"An Energy-Aware Engineered Control Plane for Wavelength-Routed Networks", Sergio Ricciardi, Jiayuan Wang, Francesco Palmieri, Davide Careglio, Lars Dittman, in Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies Volum: 26-2 p.231-249, (2015-02) |  |
"Independent comparison of popular DPI tools for traffic classification", Tomasz Bujlow, Valentín Carela-Español, and Pere Barlet-Ros, in Computer Networks Volum: 76 p.75-89, (2015-01) |  |
"GRASP-based Resource Re-Optimization for Effective Big Data Access in Federated Clouds", Francesco Palmieri, Ugo Fiore, Sergio Ricciardi, Aniello Castiglione, in Future Generation Computer Systems, (2015-01) |  |
2014 |
"An Analytical Model for Loc/ID Mappings Caches", Florin Coras, Jordi Domingo-Pascual, Darrel Lewis, and Albert Cabellos-Aparicio, in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking Volum: 99 p.1-11, (2014-12) |  |
"Scalability of the Channel Capacity in Graphene-enabled Wireless Communications to the Nanoscale", I. Llatser, A. Cabellos-Aparicio, E. Alarcón, J. M. Jornet, A. Mestres, H. Lee and J. Solé-Pareta, in IEEE Transactions on Communications Volum: 63, no. 1, (2014-12) |  |
"Power Consumption Reduction through Elastic Data Rate Adaptation in Survivable Multi-Layer Optical Networks", Jordi Perelló, Annalisa Morea, Salvatore Spadaro, Sergio Ricciardi, Matthias Gunkel, Gabriel Junyent, in Photonic Network Communications Volum: 28-3 p.276-286, (2014-12) |  |
"Fundamentals of Graphene-enabled Wireless On-Chip Networking", Abadal, S., Llatser, I., Mestres, A., Solé-Pareta, J., Alarcón, E. and Cabellos-Aparicio, A., in Modeling, Methodologies and Tools for Molecular and Nano-scale Communications, (2014-11) | |
"A Blocking Analysis for Green WDM Networks with Transponder Power Management", A. Pagès, M. Tornatore, F. Musumeci, S. Spadaro, J. Perelló, and A. Morea, in IEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology Volum: 32, nº22 p.4261-4271, (2014-11) |  |
"Time and Frequency Domain Analysis of Molecular Absorption in Short-range Terahertz Communications", I. Llatser, A. Mestres, S. Abadal, E. Alarcón, H. Lee and A. Cabellos-Aparicio, in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, (2014-10) |  |
"Challenges and Requirements of a Control Plane for Elastic Optical Networks", J. Sócrates-Dantas, D. Careglio, J. Perelló, R. Melo Silveira, W. Vicente Ruggiero, J. Solé-Pareta, in Computer Networks Volum: 72 p.156-171, (2014-10) |  |
"Energy Buffer Dimensioning Through Energy-Erlangs in Spatio-Temporal-Correlated Energy-Harvesting-Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks", R. G. Cid-Fuentes, A. Cabellos-Aparicio and E. Alarcón, in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems Volum: 4, no.3, (2014-09) |  |
"A Tutorial on the Flexible Optical Networking Paradigm: State-of-the-Art, Trends, and Research Challenges", Ioannis Tomkos, Siamak Azodolmolky, Josep Solé-Pareta, Davide Careglio, Eleni Palkopoulou, in Proceedings of the IEEE Volum: 102, no. 9, (2014-09) | |
"Split Spectrum-enabled Route and Spectrum Assignment in Elastic Optical Networks", A. Pagès, J. Perelló, S. Spadaro, and G. Junyent, in Optical Switching and Networking Volum: 13 p.148-157, (2014-07) |  |
"Using Spectrum Fragmentation to Better Allocate Time-Varying Connections in Elastic Optical Networks", P.S. Khodashenas, J. Comellas, S. Spadaro, J. Perelló, and G. Junyent, in IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking Volum: 6, nº5 p.433-440, (2014-05) |  |
"Techniques and Benefits of Energy-Aware Load-Distribution in Multi-Domain Translucent Wavelength Switched Optical Networks", A. Pagès, A. Buttaboni, G. Maier, D. Siracusa, J. Perelló, and S. Spadaro, in Journal of Network and Systems Management Volum: 22, nº3 p.462-487, (2014-02) |  |
"Optimal Route, Spectrum and Modulation Level Assignment in Split Spectrum-enabled Dynamic Elastic Optical Networks", A. Pagès, J. Perelló, S. Spadaro, and J. Comellas, in IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking Volum: 6, nº2 p.114-126, (2014-02) |  |
"Energy-efficiency maximisation for cooperative and non-cooperative OFDMA cellular networks-a survey", Castro E Souza, Álvaro Ricieri; De Almeida Amazonas, José Roberto; Abrão, Taufik, in Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (Online), (2014-02) | |
"Lcast: Software-Defined Inter-Domain Multicast", Florin Coras, Jordi Domingo-Pascual, Fabio Maino, Dino Farinacci, Albert Cabellos, in Computer Networks Volum: 29 p.153-170, (2014-02) |  |
"Correlation Between Traffic Granularity and Defragmentation Periodicity in Elastic Optical Networks", P. S. Khodashenas, J. Comellas, J. Perelló, and S. Spadaro, in Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies Volum: 26, nº7 p.1011-1018, (2014-01) |  |
2013 |
"All-Optical Packet/Circuit Switching-based Data Center Network for Enhanced Scalability, Latency and Throughput", Jordi Perelló, Salvatore Spadaro, Sergio Ricciardi, Davide Careglio, Shuping Peng, Reza Nejabati, George Zervas, Dimitra Simeonidou, Alessandro Predieri, Matteo Biancani, Harm J. S. Dorren, Stefano Di Lucente, Jun Luo, Nicola Calabretta, Giacomo Bernini, Nicola Ciulli, Jose Carlos Sancho, Steluta Iordache, Montse Farreras, Yolanda Becerra, Chris Liou, Iftekhar Hussain, Yawei Yin, Lei Liu, and Roberto Proietti, in IEEE Network, special issue on Optical Networks in Cloud Computing, (2013-12) |  |
"A GRASP with path-relinking heuristic for survivable IP/MPLS-over-WSON multi-layer network optimization problem", O. Pedrola, M. Ruiz, L. Velasco, D. Careglio, O. González de Dios, J. Comellas, , in Computers and Operations Research, special issue on GRASP and path relinking Volum: 40, no. 12 p.3174-3187, (2013-12) |  |
"DIRECT: A model for molecular communication nanonetworks based on discrete entities", Deniz Demiray, Albert Cabellos-Aparicio, Eduard Alarcón, D. Turgay Altilar, Ignacio Llatser, Luca Felicetti, Gianluca Reali, Mauro Femminella, in Nano Communication Networks Volum: 4, no. 4 p.181-188, (2013-12) |  |
"Protocol Enhancements for “Greening” Optical Networks", A. Morea, J. Perelló, S. Spadaro, D. Verchère, and M. Vigoureux, in Bell Labs Technical Journal Volum: 18, nº 3 p.211-230, (2013-12) |  |
"Eco-sustainable routing in optical networks", Sergio Ricciardi, Jiayuan Wang, Anna Manolova, Davide Careglio, Germán Santos-Boada, Francesco Palmieri, in Photonic Network Communications, (2013-11) |  |
"An autonomic traffic classification system for network operation and management", Valentín Carela-Español, Pere Barlet-Ros, Oriol Mula-Valls and Josep Solé-Pareta, in Journal of Network and Systems Management, (2013-10) |  |
"Dynamic Source Aggregation of Sub-wavelength Connections in Elastic Optical Networks", P. S. Khodashenas, J. Comellas, S. Spadaro, and J. Perelló, in Springer Photonic Network Communications, (2013-10) |  |
"Detection Techniques for Diffusion-based Molecular Communication", I. Llatser, A. Cabellos-Aparicio, M. Pierobon and E. Alarcón, in IEEE Journal of Selected areas in Communications, (2013-10) |  |
"ILP Modeling of Many-to-Many Replicated Multimedia Communication", Krzysztof Walkowiak, Damian Bulira, Davide Careglio, in Journal of telecommunications and information technology Volum: 3/2013, (2013-09) |  |
"Modeling Energy Consumption in Next-Generation Wireless Access-over-WDM Networks with Hybrid Power Sources", Sergio Ricciardi, Francesco Palmieri, Ugo Fiore, Aniello Castiglione, Germán Santos-Boada, in Mathematical and Computer Modelling Volum: 58, nº:5-6 p.1389-1404, (2013-09) |  |
"FaRNet: Fast Recognition of High-Dimensional Patterns from Big Network Traffic Data", Ignasi Paredes-Oliva, Pere Barlet-Ros and Xenofontas Dimitropoulos, in Computer Networks, (2013-09) |  |
"Empirical analysis of traffic to establish a profiled flow termination timeout", Juan Molina, Valentín Carela-Español, Ralf Hoffmann, Klaus Degner, and Pere Barlet-Ros, in Proc. of Intl. Workshop on Traffic Analysis and Classification p.1156-1161, (2013-07) |  |
"Modeling and exploiting the relation between packet losses and hidden traffic", M. Portoles-Comeras, A. Cabellos-Aparicio, P. Serrano, J. Mangues-Bafalluy, J. Núñez-Martínez, M. Solé, Jordi Domingo-Pascual, in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters Volum: 2, no. 4 p.391-394, (2013-05) |  |
"Scan Detection under Sampling: A New Perspective", Ignasi Paredes-Oliva, Pere Barlet-Ros and Josep Solé-Pareta, in IEEE Computer Magazine, Special Issue on Cybersecurity, (2013-04) |  |
"Metaheuristic Hybridizations for the Regenerator Placement and Dimensioning problem in sub-wavelength switching optical networks", O. Pedrola, D. Careglio, M. Klinkowski, L. Velasco, K. Bergman and J. Solé-Pareta, in European Journal of Operational Research Volum: 224 p.614-624, (2013-02) |  |
"Cost Feasibility Analysis of Translucent Optical Networks with Shared Wavelength Converters", O. Pedrola, D. Careglio, M. Klinkowski, J. Solé-Pareta and K. Bergman, in IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking Volum: 5, no. 2 p.104-115, (2013-02) |  |
"Special Issue: Green Networking and Computing", D. Careglio, P. Monti, M. Klinkowski, in Guest Editorial in Journal of High Speed Networks Volum: 18, no. 4, (2013-02) |  |
"Cost-Efficient Virtual Optical Network Embedding for Manageable Inter-Data-Center Connectivity", J. Perelló, P. Pavón-Mariño, S. Spadaro, in ETRI Journal Volum: 35 , no. 1 p.142-145, (2013-02) |  |
"Elastic spectrum allocation for time-varying traffic in flexgrid optical networks", M. Klinkowski, M. Ruiz, L. Velasco, D. Careglio, V. López, J. Comellas,, in IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications, special issue on Next-generation spectrum-efficient and elastic optical transport networks Volum: 31, no. 1 p.26-38, (2013-01) | |
2012 |
"Radiation Characteristics of Tunable Graphennas in the Terahertz Band", I. Llatser, I., Kremers, C., Chigrin, D. N., Jornet, J. M., Lemme, M., Cabellos-Aparicio, A., and Alarcón, E., in Radioengineering Journal Volum: 21, no. 4 p.946-953, (2012-12) |  |
"fHA: A flexible and distributed home agent architecture for mobile-IP based networks", Albert Cabellos-Aparicio, Dorin-Mircea Cioran, Pere Barlet-Ros, Jordi Domingo-Pascual, and Virgil Dobrota, in Information Sciences Volum: 211 p.68-80, (2012-11) |  |
"Graphene-enabled Wireless Communication for Massive Multicore Architectures", Sergi Abadal, Eduard Alarcon, Max C. Lemme, Mario Nemirovsky and Albert Cabellos-Aparicio, in Proc. of IEEE Communications Magazine Volum: 51, no. 11 p.137-143, (2012-11) |  |
"Cooperative Signal Amplification for Molecular Communication in Nanonetworks", Abadal, S., Llatser, I., Alarcón, E., Cabellos-Aparicio, A., in Wireless Networks, (2012-11) |  |
"Networking Challenges and Principles in Diffusion-based Molecular Communication", I. Llatser, A. Cabellos-Aparicio and E. Alarcón, in IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine Volum: 19, no. 5 p.36-41, (2012-10) |  |
"Networking Challenges and Principles in Difussion-Based Molecular Communication", Llatser, I., Cabellos-Aparicio, A., Alarcon, E., in IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine Volum: 19, no. 5 p.36-41, (2012-10) |  |
"An energy-aware dynamic RWA framework for next-generation wavelength-routed networks", Sergio Ricciardi, Francesco Palmieri, Ugo Fiore, Davide Careglio, Germán Santos-Boada, Josep Solé-Pareta, in Computer Networks Volum: 56 p.2420-2442, (2012-10) |  |
"Measurement-based research: methodology, experiments, and tools", Dimitri Papadimitriou, Lluís Fàbregas, Pere Vilà, Davide Careglio, Piet Demeester, in Sigcomm Computer Communication Review Volum: 42, no. 5 p.62-68, (2012-10) |  |
"Graphene-based nano-patch antenna for terahertz radiation", Ignacio Llatser, Christian Kremers, Albert Cabellos-Aparicio, Josep Miquel Jornet, Eduard Alarcón, Dmitry N.Chigrin, in Elsevier Photonics and Nanostructures–Fundamentals and Applications Volum: 10, no. 4 p.353-358, (2012-10) |  |
"Dynamic routing and spectrum (re)allocation in future flexgrid optical networks", A. Castro, L. Velasco, M. Ruiz, M. Klinkowski, J. P. Fernández-Palacios, D. Careglio, in Computer Networks Volum: 56 p.2869-2883, (2012-08) | |
"Benefits of implementing a dynamic impairment aware optical network: results of EU project DICONET", M. Angelou, S. Azodolmolky, I. Tomkos, J. Perelló, S. Spadaro, D. Careglio, K. Manousakis, P. Kokkinos, E. Varvarigos, D. Staessens, D. Colle, C. Vijaya Saradhi, M. Gagnaire, Y. Ye, in IEEE Communications Magazine Volum: 50, no. 8 p.79-88, (2012-08) |  |
"CAPEX study for a multilayer IP/MPLS over FlexGrid optical network", O. Pedrola, A. Castro, L. Velasco, M. Ruiz, J. Fernández-Palacios, D. Careglio, in IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking Volum: 4 p.639-650, (2012-08) |  |
"Operational Experiences with Anomaly Detection in Backbone Networks", Maurizio Molina, Ignasi Paredes-Oliva, Wayne Routly and Pere Barlet-Ros, in Computers & Security, (2012-07) |  |
"Measurement Based Analysis of One-Click File Hosting Services", Josep Sanjuàs-Cuxart, Pere Barlet-Ros, Josep Solé-Pareta, in Journal of Network and Systems Management Volum: 20 p.276-301, (2012-06) |  |
"LISP-MN: Mobile Networking through LISP", A. Rodríguez-Natal, L. Jakab, M. Portolés, V. Ermagan, P. Natarajan, F. Maino, D. Meyer, A. Cabellos-Aparicio, in Wireless Personal Communications, (2012-06) |  |
"Cross-layer approaches for planning and operation impairment-aware optical networks", J. Solé-Pareta, S. Subramaniam, D. Careglio, S. Spadaro, in proceedings of the IEEE, special issue on The Evolution of Optical Networks Volum: 100 p.1118-1129, (2012-05) |  |
"Experimental Demonstration of a GMPLS-enabled Impairment-Aware Lightpath Restoration Scheme", J. Perelló, F. Agraz, S. Spadaro, M. Angelou, S. Azodolmolky, Y. Qin, R. Nejabati, D. Simeonidou, P. Kokkinos, E. Varvarigos, I. Tomkos, in IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking Volum: 4, no. 5 p.344-355, (2012-05) |  |
"Selfish Routing and Wavelength Assignment strategies with advance reservation in inter-domain optical networks", Francesco Palmieri, Ugo Fiore, Sergio Ricciardi, in Computer Communications Volum: 35 p.366-379, (2012-02) |  |
"Optimized burst LSP design for absolute QoS guarantees in GMPLS-controlled OBS networks", P. Pedroso, J. Perelló, D. Careglio, M. Klinkowski, S. Spadaro, in OSA/IEEE Journal of Optical Communications and Networking Volum: 4 p.66-77, (2012-02) |  |
"Optimized monitor placement for accurate QoT assessment in core optical networks", M. Angelou, Y. Pointurier, D. Careglio, S. Spadaro, I. Tomkos, in OSA/IEEE Journal of Optical Communications and Networking Volum: 4 p.15-24, (2012-01) |  |
2011 |
"Diffusion-based physical channel identification in molecular nanonetworks", Nora Garralda, Ignacio Llatser, Albert Cabellos-Aparicio, Eduard Alarcón, Massimiliano Pierobon, in Nano Communication Networks Volum: 2, Issue 4 p.196-204, (2011-12) |  |
"Value Optimization of Survivable Multilayer IP/MPLS-over-WSON Networks", Luis Velasco, Oscar González de Dios, Sergio Ricciardi, Albert Castro, Fernando Muñoz, Davide Careglio, Jaume Comellas, in Photonic Network Communications p.1-13, (2011-12) |  |
"Strategies for Virtual Optical Network Allocation", A. Pagès, J. Perelló, S. Spadaro, G. Junyent, in IEEE Communications Letters Volum: 16, no. 2 p.268-271, (2011-12) |  |
"A GRASP with path-relinking heuristic for the survivable IP/MPLS-over-WSON multi-layer network optimization problem", O. Pedrola, M. Ruiz, L. Velasco, D. Careglio, O. González de Dios and J. Comellas, in Computers & Operations Research Journal Volum: 0 p.0-0, (2011-11) |  |
"Regenerator Placement strategies for Translucent OBS networks", O. Pedrola, D. Careglio, M. Klinkowski and J. Solé-Pareta, in IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology Volum: 29(22) p.3408-3420, (2011-11) |  |
"Joint routing and wavelength allocation subject to absolute QoS constraints in OBS networks", M. Klinkowski, P. Pedroso, D. Careglio, M. Pióro, J. Solé-Pareta, in OSA/IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology Volum: 29 p.3433-3444, (2011-11) |  |
"Towards an energy-aware Internet: modeling a Crosslayer Optimization approach", Sergio Ricciardi, Davide Careglio, Germán Santos-Boada, Josep Solé-Pareta, Ugo Fiore, Francesco Palmieri, in Telecommunication Systems Journal , (2011-09) |  |
"Offline routing and regenerator placement and dimensioning for translucent OBS networks", O. Pedrola, D. Careglio, M. Klinkowski and J. Solé-Pareta, in IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking Volum: 3(9) p.651-666, (2011-09) |  |
"Survivable IP/MPLS-over-WSON multi-layer network optimization", M. Ruiz, O. Pedrola, L. Velasco, D. Careglio, J. Fernández-Palacios, G. Junyent, in IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking Volum: 3(8) p.629-640, (2011-08) |  |
"Predictive Resource Management of Multiple Monitoring Applications", Barlet-Ros, P. Iannaccone, G. Sanjuas-Cuxart, J. Sole-Pareta, J. , in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking Volum: 18, (2011-06) | |
"Analysis of the impact of sampling on NetFlow traffic classification", Valentín Carela-Español, Pere Barlet-Ros, Albert Cabellos-Aparicio, Josep Solé-Pareta, in Computer Networks Volum: 55 p.1083-1099, (2011-04) |  |
"A novel impairment aware RWA algorithm with consideration for QoT estimation inaccuracy", S. Azodolmolky, Y. Pointurier, M. Angelou, D. Careglio, J. Solé-Pareta, I. Tomkos, in OSA/IEEE Journal of Optical Communications and Networking Volum: 3 p.290-299, (2011-04) | |
"Enhanced domain disjoint backward recursive TE path computation for PCE-based multi-domain networks", G. Hernández-Sola, J. Perelló, F. Agraz, L. Velasco, S. Spadaro, G. Junyent, in Springer Photonic Network Communications Volum: 21, no. 2 p.141-151, (2011-04) |  |
"Service and resource differentiation in shared-path protection environments to maximize network operator’s revenues", L. Velasco, M. Ruiz, J. Perelló, S. Spadaro, J. Comellas, in IEEE/OSA Journal of Journal of Optical Communications and Networking Volum: 3, no. 2 p.117-126, (2011-02) |  |
"Offline impairment-aware RWA and regenerator placement in translucent optical networks", B. Garcia-Manrubia, P. Pavon-Marino, R. Aparicio-Pardo, M. Klinkowski, D. Careglio, in OSA/IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology Volum: 29 (3) p.265-277, (2011-02) |  |
"Performance overview of the quasi-synchronous operation mode in OBS networks", O. Pedrola, S. Rumley, D. Careglio, M. Klinkowski, C. Gaumier, J. Solé-Pareta, in Optical Switching and Networking Volum: 8 (1) p.32-45, (2011-01) |  |
"GMPLS Control Plane Network Design With Resilience Guarantees", M. Ruiz, J. Perelló, L. Velasco, S. Spadaro, J. Comellas, G. Junyent, in IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology Volum: 29, no. 1 p.37-47, (2011-01) |  |
2010 |
"CoreCast: How Core/Edge Separation Can Help Improving Inter-Domain Live Streaming", Loránd Jakab, Albert Cabellos-Aparicioa, Thomas Silverston, Marc Solé, Florin Coras, Jordi Domingo-Pascual, in Elsevier Computer Networks 2010 Volum: 54 p.3388-3401, (2010-12) |  |
"Feedback Based Load Balancing, Deflection Routing and Admission Control in OBS Networks", S. Rumley, O. Pedrola, C. Gaumier and Josep Solé-Pareta, in Journal of Networks, vol 5, no. 11 , (2010-11) |  |
"Experimental Demonstration of an Impairment Aware Network Planning and Operation Tool for Transparent/Translucent Optical Networks", S. Azodolmolky, J. Perelló, M. Angelou, F. Agraz, L. Velasco, S. Spadaro, Y. Pointurier, A. Francescon, S. Chava Vijaya, P. Kokkinos, E. Varvarigos, S. Al Zahr, M. Gagnaire, M. Gunkel, D. Klonidis, I. Tomkos, in IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology Volum: 29, no. 4 p.439-448, (2010-11) |  |
"Physical Channel Characterization for Medium-Range Nano-Networks using Flagellated Bacteria", Maria Gregori, Ignacio Llatser, Albert Cabellos-Aparicio, Eduard Alarcón, in Computer Networks, (2010-10) |  |
"A novel offline physical layer impairments aware RWA algorithm with dedicated path protection consideration", S. Azodolmolky, M. Klinkowski, Y. Pointurier, M. Angelou, D. Careglio, J. Solé-Pareta, I. Tomkos, in OSA/IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology Volum: 28 p.3029-3040, (2010-10) | |
"Large-Scale Measurement Experiments of P2P-TV Systems Insights on Fairness and Locality", Thomas Silverston, Loránd Jakab, Albert Cabellos-Aparicio, Olivier Fourmaux, Kav´e Salamatian, Kenjiro Cho, in Elsevier Signal Procession: Image Communication (Special Issue on IPTV), (2010-10) | |
"A GRASP-based network re-optimization strategy for improving RWA in multi-constrained optical transport infrastructures", Francesco Palmieri, Ugo Fiore, Sergio Ricciardi, in Computer Communications (2010) Volum: 33, (2010-09) |  |
"Scalable Path Computation Flooding Approach for PCE-Based Multi-domain Networks", J. Perelló, G. Hernández-Sola, F. Agraz, S. Spadaro, J. Comellas, in ETRI Journal Volum: 32, no. 4 p.622-625, (2010-08) |  |
"Physical Channel Characterization for Medium-Range Nanonetworks using Catalytic Nanomotors", Maria Gregori, Ignacio Llatsera, Albert Cabellos-Aparicioa, Eduard Alarcón, in Elserver Nano Communication Network, (2010-06) |  |
"A Collaborative P2P Scheme for NAT Traversal Server Discovery based on Topological Information", Rubén Cuevas, Ángel Cuevas, Albert Cabellos-Aparicio, Loránd Jakab, Carmen Guerrero, in Elsevier Computer Networks, (2010-06) |  |
"An overview of routing methods in optical burst switching networks", M. Klinkowski, J. Pedro, D. Careglio, M. Pióro, J. Pires, P. Monteiro, J. Solé-Pareta, in Optical Switching and Networking Volum: 7 (2) p.41-53, (2010-04) |  |
"LISP-TREE: A DNS Hierarchy to Support the LISP Mapping System", Jakab, A. Cabellos-Aparicio, F. Coras, D. Saucez, and O. Bonaventure, in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, (2010-03) |  |
"JAVOBS: a flexible simulator for OBS network architectures", O. Pedrola, S. Rumley, M. Klinkowski, D. Careglio, C. Gaumier, J. Solé-Pareta,, in Journal of Networks Volum: 5 (2) p.256-264, (2010-02) |  |
"A survey of Quality of Service differentiation mechanisms for optical burst switching networks", N. Akar, E. Karasan, K.G. Vlachos, M. Varvarigos, D. Careglio, M. Klinkowski, J. Solé-Pareta, in Optical Switching and Networking Volum: 7 (1) p.1-11, (2010-01) |  |
2009 |
"On the benefits of optical gain clamped amplification in optical burst switching networks", M. Zannin, K. Ennser, S. Taccheo, D. Careglio, J. Solé-Pareta, J. Aracil
, in OSA/IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology Volum: 27 (23) p.5475-5482, (2009-12) |  |
"Performance overview of the offset time emulated OBS network architecture", Miroslaw Klinkowski, Davide Careglio, Josep Solé-Pareta, Marian Marciniak, in OSA/IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology Volum: 27(14) p.2751-2764, (2009-07) |  |
"Reactive and proactive routing in labelled optical burst switching networks", Klinkowski M. Careglio D. Sole Pareta J, in IET Communications Volum: 3 p.454-464, (2009-04) |  |
"fP2P–HN A P2P-based route optimization architecture for mobile IP-based community networks", Ruben Cuevas, Albert Cabellos-Aparicio, Angel Cuevas, Jordi Domingo-Pascual, Arturo Azcorra, in Computer Networks Volum: 53 p.528-540, (2009-03) |  |
"Robust network monitoring in the presence of non-cooperative traffic queries", Pere Barlet. Gianluca Iannaccone. Josep Sanjuàs. Josep Solé, in Computer Networks Volum: 1 p.310-321, (2009-01) |  |
"A survey on physical layer impairments aware routing and wavelength assignment algorithms in optical networks", Azodolmolky S. Klinkowski M. Marin E. Careglio D. Pareta JS. Tomkos I, in Computer Networks Volum: 53 p.926-944, (2009-01) |  |
2008 |
"Improving the Performance of Route Control Middleboxes in a Competitive Environment", Yannuzzi, M.; Masip-Bruin, X.; Marin-Tordera, E.; Domingo-Pascual, J.; Fonte, A.; Monteiro, E., in IEEE Network Volum: 22 p.56-64, (2008-09) |  |
"Computer networks journal special issue on: Challenges and opportunities in advanced optical networking", Tomkos. I.; Careglio. D.; Tzanakaki. A.; Sole-Pareta. J.;, in Computer Networks Volum: 52 p.1861-1863, (2008-07) |  |
"Toward a new route control model for multidomain optical networks", Yannuzzi. M.; Masip-Bruin. X.; Fabrego. G.; Sanchez-Lopez. S.; Sprintson. A.; Orda. A.;, in IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE Volum: 46 p.104-111, (2008-06) |  |
"Identificación de aplicaciones de red mediante técnicas de aprendizaje automático", Pere Barlet Ros. Eva Codina. Josep Solé Pareta, in Iris (Madrid) Volum: 1 p.40-43, (2008-04) |  |
2007 |
"Non-linear optimization for multi-path source routing in OBS networks", Klinkowski. M.; Pioro. M.; Careglio. D.; Marciniak. M.; Solé. J., in IEEE Communications Letters Volum: 11 p.1016-1018, (2007-12) |  |
"Fast setup of end-to-end paths for bandwidth constrained applications in an IP/MPLS-ATM integrated environment", Sánchez. S.; Masip. X.; Solé. J.; Domingo. J., in Computer Networks Volum: 51 p.835-852, (2007-02) |  |
"The EuQoS system: A solution for QoS routing in heterogeneous networks", Masip. X.; Yannuzzi. M.; Serral. R. ; Domingo. J.; [et al.], in IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE Volum: 45 p.96-103, (2007-02) |  |
"Research in Optical Burst Switching within the e-Photon/ONe Network of Excellence", J. Aracil, N. Akar, S. Bjornstad, M. Casoni, K. Christodoulopoulos, D. Careglio, J. Fdez-Palacios, C. Gauger, O. González de Dios, G. Hu, E. Karasan, M. Klinkowski, D. Morató, R. Nejabati, H. Overby, C. Raffaelli, D. Simeonidou, N. Stol, G. Tosi-Beleffi, K. Vlachos, in Volum: 4 p.1-19, (2007-02) |  |
"Plataforma para la monitorización distribuida de calidad de servicio ", Serral. R.; Domingo. J., in Iris (Madrid) Volum: 1 p.0-0, (2007-01) |  |
2006 |
"On the challenges of establishing disjoint QoS IP/MPLS paths across multiple domains", Yannuzzi. M.; Masip. X.; Sánchez. S.; Domingo. J.; Orda. A.; Sprintson. A., in IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE Volum: 44 p.60-66, (2006-12) |  |
"Televisión digital sobre ADSL", Santos. G., in Novática Volum: p.60-61, (2006-10) | |
"Special Issue on Quality of Service of Future Internet Services (QofIS 2004)", Domingo. J.; Karlson. G., in Computer Communications Volum: 29 p.799-800, (2006-04) | |
"The prediction-based routing in optical transport networks", Marín. E.; Masip. X.; Sánchez. S.; Solé. J.; Domingo. J., in Computer Communications Volum: 29 p.865-878, (2006-04) |  |
"Service category-to-wavelength selection technique for QoS support in connection-oriented optical packet switching", Careglio. D.; Solé. J.; Spadaro. S., in Computer Networks Volum: 1 p.14-30, (2006-04) |  |
"An Open Source Traffic Engineering Toolbox", Domingo. J.; Masip. X. [et al.], in Computer Communications Volum: 29 p.593-610, (2006-03) |  |
"Research Challenges in QoS Routing", Domingo. J.; Yannuzzi. M.; Masip. X. èt al.], in Computer Communications Volum: 29 p.563-581, (2006-03) |  |
"A hierarchical routing approach for optical transport networks", Marín. E.; Masip. X.; Sanchez. S.; Sole. J.; Domingo. J., in Computer Networks Volum: 50 p.251-268, (2006-02) |  |
"TRIDENT: An automated approach to traffic engineering in IP/MPLS over ASON/GMPLS networks", Spadaro. S.; D'Alessandro. A.; Manzalini. A.; Solé. J., in Computer Networks Volum: 1 p.207-223, (2006-02) |  |
"Desarrollo y Evaluación del Protocolo Fast Handovers for Mobile IPv6 en un Entorno Virtual", Cabellos. A.; Calafell. L.; Nuñez. J.; Domingo. J., in Iris (Madrid) Volum: 1 p.74-76, (2006-01) |  |
"Sistema de detección de anomalías de red basado en monitorización y predicción de tráfico ", Barlet. P.; Pujol. H.; Barrantes. J.; Solé. J.; Domingo. J., in Iris (Madrid) Volum: 74-75 p.23-28, (2006-01) |  |
"SMARTxAC: a passive monitoring and analysis system for high-speed networks", Barlet. P.; Solé. J.; Barrantes. J.; Codina. E.; Domingo. J., in Campus-Wide Information Systems: the journal of technology on campus Volum: 23 p.283-296, (2006-01) |  |
2005 |
"Plataforma para la verificación de la calidad de servicio en entornos intra e interdominio", Serral. R.; Domingo. J., in Iris (Madrid) Volum: 1 p.17-22, (2005-12) |  |
"Open issues in interdomain routing: A survey.", Yannuzzi. M.; Masip. X.; Bonaventure. O., in IEEE NETWORK Volum: 19 p.49-56, (2005-11) |  |
"Keeping the packet sequence in optical packet-switched neteorks", Callegati. F.; Careglio. D.; Cerroni. W.; Muretto. G.; Raffaelli. C.; Solé. J.; Zaffoni. P., in Optical Switching and Networking Volum: 2 p.137-147, (2005-11) |  |
"China Communications", Spadaro. S.; Solé. J.; Stankiewicz. R. [et al.], in China Communications Volum: 2 p.72-90, (2005-08) | |
"Encaminamiento interdominio con calidad de servicio basado en Overlay Entities distribuidas y QBGP", Yannuzzi. M.; Fonte. A.; Masip. X.; Monteiro. E.; Sánchez. S.; Curado. M.; Domingo. J., in Novática: Revista de la Asociación de Técnicos de Informática Volum: p.61-67, (2005-05) |  |
"Internet Protocol version 6 Overview ", Cabellos. A.; Domingo. J., in Novática Volum: 174 p.10-14, (2005-01) |  |
"Network Applications and Traffic Modelling for ASONs (en Portugués)", Spadaro. S.; Solé. J.; Lason. A. [et al.], in RTI - Redes. Telecom e Instalações Volum: 5 p.44-48, (2005-01) | |
2004 |
"Benchmarking and Viability Assessment of Optical Packet Switching for Metro Networks", Develder. C.; Stavdas. A.; Bianco. A.; Careglio. D.; Lonsethagen. H.; Fernández. J.; Van Caenegem. R.; Sygletos. S.; Neri. F.; Solé. J.; Pickavet. M.; Le Sauze. N.; Demeester. P., in IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology Volum: 22 p.2435-2451, (2004-11) |  |
"Multiclass Scheduling Algorithms for the DAVID Metro Network ", Bianco. A.; Careglio. D.; Finochietto. J.; Galante. G.; Leonardi. E.; Neri. F.; Solé. J.; Spadaro. S., in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications Volum: 22 p.1483-1496, (2004-10) |  |
"A Linux networking study", Serral. R.; Gil. M., in Operating systems review Volum: 38 p.1-10, (2004-07) |  |
"Positioning of the RPR Standard in Contemporary Operator Environments", Spadaro. S.; Solé. J.; Careglio. D.; Wajda. K.; Szymanski. A., in IEEE Network Volum: 18 p.35-40, (2004-03) |  |
"Implementation PNNI Signalling in the Optical Control Plane", Soldatos. J.; Pikramenos. G.; Kylafas. G. E.; Lianos. B.; Sánchez. S.; Solé. J., in WSEAS Transactions on Circuits Volum: 2 p.171-177, (2004-02) | |
"IP mobility. Macromobility, micromobility, quality of service and security", Josep Mangues-Bafalluy, Albert Cabellos-Aparicio, René Serral-Gracià, Jordi Domingo-Pascual, Antonio Gómez-Skarmeta, Tomás P. de Miguel, Marcelo Bagnulo, Alberto García-Martínez, in The European Journal for the Informatics Professional Volum: 5 p.49-55, (2004-02) |  |
"Movilidad Ip: macromovilidad. micromovilidad. calidad de servicio y seguridad", Mangues. J.; Cabellos. A.; Serral. R.; Domingo. J.; Gómez. A.; de Miguel. T.; Bagnulo. M.; García. A., in Novática Volum: 167 p.28-32, (2004-01) |  |
"Presentación. Redes de acceso inalámbrias: hacia las comunicaciones móviles integradas", Casares. V.; Domingo. J., in Novática Volum: p.3-10, (2004-01) |  |
2003 |
"SMARTxAC: Sistemas de monitorización y análisis de tráfico para la Anella Científica", Barlet. P.; Solé. J.; Domingo. J., in Iris (Madrid) Volum: 66-67 p.27-30, (2003-12) |  |
"PNNI-Based Control Plane for Automatically Switched Optical Networks", Sánchez. S.; Solé. J.; Comellas. J.; Soldatos. J.; Kylafas. G.; Jaeger. M., in JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY Volum: 21 p.2673-2682, (2003-11) |  |
"The European IST Project DAVID: A Viable Approach Toward Optical Packet Switching", Dittmann. L.; Solé. J.; Renaud. M.; [et al.], in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications Volum: 21 p.1026-1040, (2003-09) |  |
"Analizador en tiempo real de calidad de servicio en redes IP", Jordi Domingo, A. Navarro Aranda, in RedIRIS: boletín de la Red Nacional de I+D RedIRIS Volum: 66-67 p.31-33, (2003-01) |  |
2000 |
"Multicast Forwarding over ATM: Native Approaches", Mangues. J.; Domingo. J., in IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SURVEYS. The Electronic Magazine of Original Peer-Reviewed Survey Articles Volum: 3 p.1-7, (2000-09) |  |
1999 |
"MEHARI: A system for analysing the use of the internet services", Lizcano. P.; Azcorra. A.; Solé. J.; Domingo. J.; Alvarez. M., in Computer Networks Volum: 31 p.2292-2307, (1999-11) |  |
"Conmutación IP", Domingo. J., in Mundo electrónico. Edición internacional Volum: p.56-61, (1999-07) |  |
"Performance of a TCP/IP Backbone based on Optical Packet Switching", Bostica. B.; Burzio. M.; Callegati. F.; Casoni. M.; Rafaelli. C.; Masip J.; Solé. J., in European Transactions on Telecommunications Volum: 10 p.18-30, (1999-05) | |
1998 |
"Revisión y clasificación de protocolos para redes de tecnología ATM.", González. J.; Domingo. J., in Iris (Madrid) Volum: 1 p.64-74, (1998-11) |  |
"Protocolo RSVP: Evolución y experiencias.", Sánchez. S.; Masip. X.; Domingo. J., in Iris (Madrid) Volum: 1 p.75-81, (1998-11) |  |
"Active Cell Discard Mechanism in ATM Networks", Mangues. J.; Domingo. J., in Monthly technical journal in transport and radiocumentations television. broadcasting Volum: p.31-35, (1998-10) |  |
"Electronic and Photonic Switching in the ATM Era", Masip. J.; Solé. J.; Junyent. G., in International Networks Multimedia Volum: 6 p.44-47, (1998-09) | |
1997 |
"Proyecto SABA: Nuevos Servicios con Reserva de Recursos para la Red Académica de Banda Ancha", Solé. J.; Domingo. J.; Martínez. X. [et al.], in Iris (Madrid) Volum: p.72-80, (1997-12) | |
"El acceso de usuario a Internet de Banda Ancha", Domingo. J., in BURAN Volum: 0 p.5-11, (1997-12) |  |
"Comparison of a Deterministic and a Heuristic Approach to CAC", JL Marzo, M. Ramalho, R. Fabregat, EM Scharf, J. Sole, J. Domingo, in Distributed Computer Communication Networks, (1997-01) |  |
"Dynamic Multicast Routing based on the Minimum Congestion Probability Routing", R. Fabregat, J. Sole, T. Jové, JL Marzo, J. Domingo, in 2nd. Workshop on Traffic Management and Synthesis of ATM Networks, (1997-01) |  |
1996 |
"Network-based parallel computing over ATM using improved SSCOP protocol", solé. J.; vila. J., in Computer Communications Volum: 19 p.915-926, (1996-09) | |
1995 |
"Les autopiestes de la informació: L'eix vertebral de la societat de la informació", Domingo. J., in BURAN Volum: 0 p.37-40, (1995-12) |  |
"Adaptative Multipath Routing of Connectionless Traffic in an ATM Network.", Solé. J.; Sarkar. D.; Liebeherr. J.; Akyildiz. I., in Journal of network and systems management Volum: 3 p.355-369, (1995-12) | |
"Circuit per a la gravació i reproducció de missatges basat en microcontrolador", Vilà. F., in Quaderns d'electrònica Volum: 1 p.19-20, (1995-07) | |
1994 |
"Burstiness Characterization of ATM Cell streams", Solé. J.; Domingo. J., in Computer Networks and ISDN Systems Volum: 11 p.1351-1366, (1994-08) | |
"Switching Block Studies Network Performance Evaluation and Traffic Engineering for ATM", Domingo. J. [et al.], in European Transactions on Telecommunications Volum: 5 p.187-198, (1994-03) | |
1993 |
"Comparion of DQDB +/- and DQDB IEEE 802.6 protocols", Solé. J.; Domingo. J., in IEE conference publication Volum: 1 p.1-12, (1993-04) | |
1990 |
"Cap a l'aldea global", Santos. G., in AVUI Volum: 0 p.12-16, (1990-12) | |
"Comunicaciones en banda ancha (IV): Gestión de red", Santos G.; Casals. O.; Solé. J., in Mundo electrónico. Edición internacional Volum: 0 p.123-133, (1990-09) | |
"Comunicaciones de banda ancha (III): Arquitectura de red y acceso de usuario", Torralba. N.; Garcia. J.; Domingo. J., in Mundo electrónico. Edición internacional Volum: 0 p.99-107, (1990-05) | |
"Comunicaciones en banda ancha (II): Sistemas de conmutación", Solé. J.; Santos. G., in Mundo electrónico. Edición internacional Volum: 0 p.109-116, (1990-04) | |
"Comunicaciones de banda ancha (I): hacia una única infraestructura de comunicación", Domingo. J.; Casals. O.; Torralba. N., in Mundo electrónico. Edición internacional Volum: 0 p.79-86, (1990-03) | |
1989 |
"Comunicación de Equipos Informáticos: Comunicaciones remotas", Gallego. I.; Solé. J., in Automática e instrumentación Volum: 0 p.1-2, (1989-12) | |
1988 |
"Jornadas de Teleinformática: Redes Digitales y Servicios Integrados", Santos. G., in Revista T de Telefonica I+D Volum: p.49-50, (1988-03) | |
1985 |
"La fibra óptica hoy", Solé. J., in Chip (Madrid) Volum: 0 p.0-1, (1985-11) | |