A number of studies have pointed out on the dramatic increase of Internet traffic exchanged worldwide, around 23% accumulated per year anual, estimated to reach 168 Exabytes exchanged per month by 2019, approximately 22 GB per person. Such an increase is based on several reasons: on one hand the explosive growth of mobile devices along with their popularity and low-cost (estimated 20 billion by 2020); on the other hand the rise and popularity of new interactive services with strict high-bandwidth low-delay requirements, namely video on-demand, online gaming, P2P file sharing, etc. On top of these, the rise of Smart Cities, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing and Big Data suggest that such a percentage of traffic increase may have been underestimated. ElasticNetworks will address the above challenges and will focus on a number of novel approaches for the design of the Future Internet. In particular, ElasticNetworks will contribute to a holistic redesign of the transport network towards a more agile, flexible, programmable Elastic Network, yet with low operation, deployment and maintenance cost, and energy efficient. This will be a superior network with respect to today's in terms of performance, capable of provisioning network capacity where needed, with a dynamic and mobile network with high bandwidth granularity, capable of dealing with the advent of the all-connected smart world. ElasticNetworks will contribute to such a technological revolution in which the network becomes a single programmable entity, starting from the Data Center supporting the Cloud and ending in the very last user's or thing's device. KEY WORDS: Elastic Optical Networks; Software Defined Networking; Internet of Things; Cloud and Fog Computing
Project Website: https://elasticnetworks.ccaba.upc.edu/
El eco-sistema ICT ha cambiado rápidamente durante los últimos años. Servicios “en la nube”, tecnologías móviles y redes sociales están creando nuevos hábitos de comunicación, y están requiriendo cambios en la arquitectura misma de las redes que soportan estos servicios para poder permitir un crecimiento escalable, y al mismo tiempo un alto nivel dinamismo en la conectividad.
El proyecto SUNSET tiene como principal objetivo superar los “cuellos de botella” de las actuales redes y proporcionar soluciones para una futura Sociedad Digital sostenible, allanado el camino a innovadores servicios TIC “en la nube”, y se favorece un uso sostenible de estos servicios por sectores económicos maduros, mejorando su competitividad mediante tecnologías “cloud”-TIC. Más específicamente, SUNSET propone una nueva arquitectura incluyendo todos los segmentos (acceso, metro, troncal) y red de centro de datos, gracias a técnicas ópticas avanzadas y tecnologías de Redes Definidas por Software (SDN), capaces de responder a las crecientes demandas de recursos de las redes de nueva generación.
SUNSET presta atención al corto y al largo plazo. En el corto plazo, SUNSET aprovechará una adecuada integración de tecnologías ópticas avanzadas y SDN para mejorar el rendimiento global, la escalabilidad y la gestión de la red y los recursos IT, proporcionando una racionalización del proceso de despliegue y asignación de la diferentes cargas de trabajo de la red, en el actual entorno dinámico, multi-propietario, y manteniendo un uso eficaz de los recursos. SDN se define como un entorno de control para la programación de funciones de red y protocolos gracias a la separación del plano de datos y el plano de control, que actualmente están integrados verticalmente en los equipos de red. La separación del plano de control y de datos hace que SDN sea la tecnología adecuada para que un plano de control integrado pueda operar tecnologías heterogéneas utilizadas en diferentes capas de la red (la capa óptica, la capa IP) y los centros de datos.
SUNSET aborda como objetivos intermedios:
- La investigación y desarrollo de técnicas de modulación y de procesado de señal para conseguir una mejora en un factor 10x en la tasa de datos en redes metro-acceso utilizando dispositivos comerciales de bajo coste.
- El desarrollo de nodos SDN implementando multiplexación por longitud de onda y espacial, así como controladores SDN capaces de gestionar los equipos ópticos.
- El diseño y el desarrollo de entornos de orquestación basados en SDN, monitorización basada en SDN, algoritmos de optimización de recursos, e investigación en futuras tecnologías SDN.
Alcanzando estos hitos, SUNSET busca proporcionar soluciones sostenibles ofreciendo una infraestructura de red unas 10 veces más eficiente en consumo de energía y rendimiento.
A largo plazo, SUNSET también investiga ulteriores factores de mejora en consumo de energía y rendimiento, de 100 a 1000 en el medio y largo plazo, mediante tecnologías híbridas fotónicas e inalámbricas, encaminadas al “Data-Centres-in-a-Box”, gracias a las propiedades de materiales nanoestructurados.
SUNSET reúne una especial combinación de expertos y recursos para aportar soluciones escalables y duraderas para la infraestructura de las redes en su conjunto.
Para conseguir estos objetivos, SUNSET coordina la investigación en 3 de las 6 Tecnologías Facilitadoras Esenciales para este proyecto: Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones, Fotónica y Nanotecnología.
01/07/2015 - 30/06/2018 (36 M)
TEC2014-59583-C2-2-R / TEC2014-59583-C2-1-R
Network monitoring is of paramount importance to both network operators and researchers, to the point that it has recently become a major research area. However, network monitoring still suffers from fundamental problems that leave its rigorousness behind more traditional research fields, such as other experimental disciplines within physics or biology. Most scientific works in the field of network monitoring are evaluated using private, undisclosed data sets. Nevertheless, disclosure of experimental data is a basic principle of the scientific method that enables experiment reproducibility, independent validation and cross-comparison of research results. For this reason, we think that the credibility of research works in this area overly relies on the scientific community bona fide. Our initial hypothesis is that two fundamental barriers have to be overcome in order to increase the rigorousness of this scientific area. First, the mere acquisition of reference data sets is extremely challenging from a technological viewpoint due to the ever-increasing network speeds. Second, sociological reasons discourage their publication, primarily due to privacy concerns. Both the technological and sociological barriers are currently perceived to be insurmountable, which prevents the use of common data sets in scientific works and impedes experiment reproducibility. The main objective of this project is to investigate the fundamental research challenges associated to these two barriers. On the one hand, this project will explore novel network monitoring and traffic measurement techniques in order to address the technological difficulties. Main topics of research in this direction will include complex resource management techniques, such as load shedding and distribution, traffic sampling and specialized streaming algorithms for traffic processing and analysis. On the other hand, this project will propose a novel data sharing paradigm that overcomes the sociological barriers. The research carried out in this project will result in a completely novel evaluation framework for network monitoring research based on what we call the “code-to-the-data” model. This model will enable reproducibility, validation and comparison of scientific works without requiring full disclosure of traffic data sets, thus avoiding most privacy concerns involved in dataset publication. Ultimately, the new monitoring and data sharing paradigm resulting from this project will provide a realistic solution to set the use of common data sets as a standard requirement for scientific publication, as it is in other research areas.
36 months
UPC, EPO: Tecsidel, CESCA
Mobility is unnatural to today’s Internet architecture, primarily due to overloaded IP address semantics. Several schemes address this issue by decoupling the location of an endpoint from its identity. Such location/identity separation inherently provides services fundamental to the future Internet including seamless mobility, multihoming, and traffic engineering. Of the various location/identity separation schemes, the Location/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) (proposed by Cisco Systems Inc., and under standardization at IETF) has a unique position: LISP is incrementally deployable, it does not require changes to transport/application implementations, and it is already under active deployment (see http://www.lisp4.net). Basically, LISP proposes two different types of addresses: Endpoint Identifiers (EIDs) and Routing Locators (RLOCs). EIDs identify hosts, and are assigned independently of the network topology while RLOCs identify network attachment points, and are used for routing. This allows EIDs to remain unchanged even if a topological change, such as a handover, occurs. Thus, LISP’s innate support for location/identity separation makes LISP well suited for mobility. Indeed, the LISP mobility protocol (LISP-MN) has been recently proposed. LISP-MN offers many advantages in front of traditional mobility schemes such as Mobile IP. On the one hand LISP´s separation of control and data planes avoids mobility provider lock-in, and LISP-MN clients can freely roam among providers (usually ISPs). On the other hand, LISP-MN provides native support for multihoming, load balancing and route optimization, this are important aspects for the future mobile clients. However and traditionally, the Internet architecture has evolved independently of cellular networks (3GPP). Nowadays these cellular networks are converging to an all-IP network, and their new architecture must be gracefully accommodated in the future Internet architecture. This imposes a set of important challenges. In this context, we expect that LISP-MN will play a crucial role. LISP-MN provides a higher level of mobility (at the network layer) and mobile clients can freely roam across providers. The main objectives of the NAME project are (i) Research coherent architectures for the future converged cellular and Internet networks and (ii) Research and design advanced services such as content distribution and live streaming for LISP-MN.
36 months
CTTC SYMBIOSYS TEC2011-29700-C02-01 - UPC NAME TEC2011-29700-C02-02 - EPO: CISCO, CESCA
Project Website: http://cba.upc.edu/name
The main objective of the project "Efficient measurement of advanced networks" (METRA) is the development of a monitoring system and traffic classification of massive internet, able to obtain measurements of real-time usage and predict transported applications for each data connection, with high accuracy and with low computational cost, by means of a number of learning algorithms. The developed platform will be deployed in CESCA, who will handle installation and provide the necessary support for its proper functioning. Furthermore, METRA perform traffic monitoring of the "Anella Científica", which will test and validate the optimal operation of the platform.
30 months
Tecsidel, TCP, CCABA-UPC and CESCA
The DOMINO project aims at designing novel architecture, algorithms and protocols solutions fulfilling the energy efficiency and awareness requirements of future multi-layer green optical networks. DOMINO leverages the capacities of ultra high dynamic multi-layer optical networks to decrease the ICTs carbon footprint, and relies on five innovative concepts: a thorough analysis of the energetic issues in networks, including the benefits of using novel sub-wavelength switching devices and extending the energy-oriented model to multi-domain scenario; novel network planning strategies accounting for energy, cost and performance metrics; specialised dynamic routing algorithms where multiple constraints such as energy consumption, resource utilisation, and signal quality are optimised; energy-oriented operations and protocols in the network control plane to support the designed strategies and algorithms; dedicated techno-economic studies to evaluate the overall impact the novel concepts have on current network infrastructure and provide a possible migration roadmap.
36 months
Project Website: https://sites.google.com/site/micinndomino/
This project is devoted to experimentally validating the possibility to characterize the propagation of impairments in highly connected WLAN networks.
Wireless Network Monitor:
Project Website: http://www.cttc.es/en/project/distorsion.jsp
Internet, considered as a system, has experienced an unforeseen growth and many local solutions (new applications and protocols and protocol enhancements) have been added. Each solution or protocol intends to solve a problem but independently of other enhancements and protocols. Each of the technologies has been designed as a standalone process not taking into account the inter-dependencies with other ones. Thus, despite the system is flexible enough scalability and performance issues are pushing it to its limits. The main goal of this project is to contribute in the design of technologies for a converged and pervasive Internet. The project aims to push new services and protocols into the network considering them as coupled processes. To do that, we will take into consideration four of the most relevant aspects that are currently of interest of the research community in this field. These are the optical transport, the ubiquitous connectivity, the application of a traffic analysis and monitoring techniques for the management and control of the network, and the security of communications. In order to address these aspects the project is structured in the following research activities: Architectures for the Pervasive Networking, Traffic monitoring and analysis, Converged Optical Networking Infrastructure, and Digital Identity and Electronic Signature, which coincide with of the different subareas of expertise of the Broadband Communication Systems research group that traditionally have exploited participating in separated projects. In this way, an additional benefit of the project will be the integration of these subareas increasing the consistence of the group.
12 months
Thematic Network
1/1/2007 31/12/2007
Thematic Network
January 2007 - December 2007
The purpose of the CATARO project (a coordinated project for the evaluation o optical networks technologies and architectures) is to continue the studies carried out in two previous projects, namely TRIPODE (IP traffic transport over Optical networks: Designing and Evaluation, Ref.: TIC2002-04344-C02) and CARISMA (Connection and access to RedIRIS2 through a multi-channel optical ring, CICYT TIC2000-0304-P4-04). Thereby, the CATARO project consists of two subprojects, namely SENDERO (Designing and Evaluation of optical network architectures Ref.: TEC2005-08051-C3-01) and RINGING (GMPLS/ASON Intelligent Network: Integration of reconfigurable nodes, Ref.: TEC2005-08051-C3-02), which are summarized next.
The SENDERO subproject basically concerns the analysis aspects, design and performance evaluation of the network architectures based on optical technology having as objectives, on the one hand completing the subjects opened after finalization the TRIPODE project and on the other hand opening new topics, which interest is growing. Particularly, with respect to optical network architectures that could potentially be implemented in a short-term, it will continue working on control plane and routing algorithms for ASON (Automatically Switched Optical Networks) as well as will begin new topics like provisioning of new telecommunication services, which is required by emerging applications like Grid Computing and Storage Area Networks and inter-working the RPR (Resilience Packet Rings) with ASON networks. Regarding mediumterm architectures, the subproject will continue the subject of metropolitan area optical networks taking into consideration possible implementations of the first prototypes in public infrastructures and evaluation of the architectures more sophisticated. However, the principal objective of this block will be centred on the optical burst switching networks (OBS), the architecture which is gaining interest thanks to its both foreseeable strong benefits and future technological affordability. Finally, in the context of long-term network architectures, the subproject will continue the study on OPS (Optical Packet Switching) nodes functionality with a focus on QoS provisioning, moreover it will approach a study in scope of the whole network, particularly, focusing on a design of the control plane for OMPLS (Optical MPLS) networks, as well as in evaluation of the routing algorithms. At last, we will begin a new topic that consists of an adaptation the technique of optical packets commutation for designing the architectures for high performance computers.
The RINGING subproject concerns the design and building of a reconfigurable optical node with an advanced design, and its further integration into a real network to develop a field trial. The main objective of this subproject is the integration of reconfigurable optical nodes in the GMPL/ASON network, which has been obtained as a result of the CARISMA project. Thanks to the participation in TRIPODE, CARISMA, and FIRM (Field trial with Integrated ROADMs and GMPLS compliance, the CELTIC-EUREKA-2004 project, www.celtic-iniciative.org) projects, the know-how necessary for the implementation of the reconfigurable optical nodes is ready. The subproject is divided in two main blocks. The first one will be dedicated to building reconfigurable optical nodes, while in the other, the aspects of the integration of these nodes in an optical network which was constructed during the CARISMA project, will be treated.
Introduction of the traffic engineering (TE) techniques into GMPLS/ASON networks, which will result in a network able to provide optical virtual private networks (OVPN) as well as suitable for working in a GRID environment of great importance in the next future, should be highlighted among the most important general objectives of this subproject. For the development of these last objectives also the participation in PROMISE (Provisioning and monitoring of optical services, CELTIC-EUREKA-2004 project) project will be useful.
1/2006 - 12/2008
Advanced Broadband Communications Center (CCABA), Depts. of Computer Architecture (AC) and Signal Theory and Communications (TSC), UPC.
Several standardization bodies (UIT-T, 3GPP and IETF) are working on the definition of Next
Generation Network Architectures based on All-IP and Always Best Served concepts. Key
level of Architectures proposed by those bodies are organised around the service layer, which
offers to applications support for integration, deployment and operation of the end user services.
This service layer is based on the underlying IP transport layer which offers support for QoS,
security, etc, supporting the next generation applications.
This project aims to define one Architecture for next Generation services provision, which enables
the creation of a service centre. The Architecture will enclose key elements of architectures of
main standardisation bodies, and will focus on the service layer over heterogeneous access
network, including wireless, cellular and fixed networks. Associated to the proposed Architecture,
a Service Centre will be defined and setting up, for delivering end-user services.
End-to-end service provision over heterogeneous IP networks, including facilities for bandwidth
on demand, guarantied bandwidth, QoS support, multi-diffusion, interworking of IPv4 and IPv6
networks among others is not a well solved problem, mainly because the problems due to the
different domain involved in the service provision. Most of the existing solutions for monitoring
and traffic measurement are designed for a single domain, and just a few refers to inter-main
scenarios (hierarchic scenarios). This research project aims to integrate three research areas
(monitoring and traffic measurement, traffic engineering and routing) in the context of inter-
domain service provision.
The development of electronic technology and radio software, among others, will determine that
in the near future the operation of radio networks will be characterised by the availability of multi-
technology terminals such as GSM/EDGE and WCDMA. In this scenario, the coordinated
management of radio resources, minimising their usage and guarantying QoS requirements for
the end users, will become a key point. The objective of the project id the design of new policies
for controlling admission of new session en multi-access systems and multi-service scenarios,
capable of adapting to changing traffic conditions and that allows exploiting information regarding
future hand-hovers of new sessions. Those policies have to guaranty at least the next QoS
objectives: the probability of blocking new sessions, the probability of shutting down existing
sessions and the probably of outage.
31/12/2005 30/12/2008 30/06/2009
Ente Promotor Observadors : CESCA, RedIRIS i TECSIDEL
More info here
The goal of the SAM project is the design, experimentation and evaluation of architectures of an Internet network with mobility support. The project will create a network testbed by interconnecting wireless access demonstrators in the participating institutions through Red Iris 2. The following access technologies will be considered as a minimum: Wireless LANs, GPRS or UMTS. The testbed will be used to study, experiment and validate solutions to the following unresolved problems:
- Mobile access over second and third generation wireless links.
- Macromobility protocols.
- Micromobility protocols.
- Provision of QoS in a mobile context.
- IPv6 usage in a mobile context.
- Multicast in a mobile context.
- User mobility: globalization of session management.
- Provision of Security.
The project will implement, compare and validate the proposed solutions over this network testbed and will propose new solutions for the unresolved problems. The validation in real working conditions will be performed with real time synchronous collaboration services, such as the tele-meeting and teletraining services of the Isabel application. Those services are considered the most adequate for this purpose; due to the demanding operating requirements and to the benefits that mobility can offer to them. The SAM project is a continuation of the SABADOS project of the Spanish National Research Program on Information and Communication Technologies and has the objective of exploring the evolution paths for including mobility in the Spanish academic research network. SAM will take as starting point the results of SABADOS, including the already developed service platform, as well as the solutions proposed and validated for adding next generation Internet features to the present Internet architecture. The platform will be enhanced with mobility, mew proposals will be developed and special emphasis will be put on submitting results to standards organisation, in particular the IETF
1/12/2002 30/11/2005
Project Website: http://sam.ccaba.upc.edu/
SABA-DOS is a project which addresses the design, experimentation and evaluation of tele-meeting, tele-education/learning and tele-conference over a next generatión Internet. It supports broadband communications, multicast, quality of service control facilities and protocols like RSVP, IPv6, RTP-RTCP and other protocols which are considered to play an important role in the future Internet. SABA-DOS is a continuation of the SABA project of the Spanish Telematic Services and Application Research Program, which maintains the objective of exploring the future paths to be followed in the Spanish Academic Research Network Red Iris. SABA-DOS will use SABA's results as the starting point and will continue evaluating new proposals for protocols and services for the next generation Internet. A network service platform will be designed to enhances the SABA platform with the elements necessary for the creation of the services addressed in the project, such as QoS or CoS control, multicast, new protocols, etc. This platform will be used to perform service experiments including external users. The experiments will include project tele-meetings, tele-meetings with outside users, distributed courses, tele-training within the EPO and distributed seminars and congresses. This project is devoted to the experimentation and evaluation of tele-meeting, tele-education/learning and tele-conference over a broadband communication network of second generation Internet type, with multicast, quality of service control facilities and protocols like RSVP, IPv6, RTP-RTCP as a key elements of the future Internet.
31/12/99 30/12/01
SABA (New Services for the Broadband Academic Network) is a research
project integrated in the Spanish R&D Program, funded by CICYT. Its main goal is the improvement of the services offered by the present Internet by proposing new technologies, architectures, and protocols with the aim of incorporating broadband technologies.
1/8/97 31/7/99
Project Website: http://www.rediris.es/rediris/boletin/41-42/ponencia12.html